
1. Do you know any other kinds of ways to save trees? 2. Do you know how to help the earth? 3. Did you ever have an art contest? 4. Did you ever recycle something? 以上问题...

(4) people with uncontrolled epilepsy or other progressive neurological disorder, or have had Guillain-Barré syndrome before;Please read the vaccine instructions for more details. Q8:Any other tips? A:Personal protection measures are still the eas...

这个问题验证了那句“如果不知道说什么,问天气总是没错的。”这之后再问现在的天气状况,对话就开始啦。 19. Do you speak any other languages? 你会说其他语言吗? 问一些偏私人的话题,...

“目中无人”,汉语成语,字面意思是“眼里看不见别人(to one's eyes there is no other)”,比喻自高自大,瞧不起他人(having no respect for anyone)。与英语习语“look down one's nose at”意思相近,表示“to regard or treat someone with disdain”。也可以翻译为“...

“In any other administration at any other time whether our European partners would show up at one of our events was never in question,” he said.- Donald Trump’s diplomat...

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